To My Husband, Who Deserves More Recognition

Dear Husband,

I see you over there holding yourself together for me and our daughter. I see all the things you do for us, the sacrifices you’re willing to make so that we can be happy. I want you to know that I appreciate all the things you do, the extra hours you put in so that I can be home with our daughter.

I want you to know that all those little things you do, like telling me how beautiful I am and how great of a mother I am, mean the world to me and I hang on to those words when days get rough. I want to thank you for watching me go from a young and spunky 21 year old to an almost 23 year old mother with zero energy some days and still thinking I am wonderful. Believe me I am much happier hunting Pokemon and taking our daughter for a walk than I would have been sitting at a bar with people I hate.

I know I may complain but it would concern me if you actually managed to put your clothes in that hamper, or if you remembered to take your damn belt out of your pants. Honestly I don’t mind cleaning up a mess, because that mess from the weekend or the evening before, tells me that my husband, daughter, and myself had a good night and cleaning wasn’t on my priorities then.

Don’t ever change the man you are, the man I know you’ve become solely from seeing others do wrong and knowing you don’t want to be that. You will always be perfect in my eyes. You care for our daughter so well, watching you two play is one of my favorite things to do.

What I am really getting at here, is you don’t always get the recognition you deserve, for all the things you do. Believe me I see how exhausted you are some days and I know part of that exhaustion is knowing that I am worried mess at home. Worried over things I can’t exactly fix right this second, things you are trying to fix for me so I can go back to being happy. I see you over there, watching, and caring. I love you so much and I will always be grateful that I have married a man who is willing to go above and beyond for his family. No amount of thank you’s will ever be enough for all you have done and all you will do.




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